jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Synthesis about WEB 2.0


We use WEB 2.0 for teaching and learning. there are something learning's factors such as to can learn: intelligent and knowledge previous,  experiences and motivations.

professor's objetives:

*the student progressive in their positive developing integral in their person.

* research education resources.

100 tools of the WEB 2.0 for the classroom

More and more teachers are using blogs, podcasts and wikis, as another approach to teaching. We have created a list of 100 tools that you think will encourage interactivity and engagement, motivate and empower their students, and create differentiation in their learning process.
Oh the joy of the first week of school. Nothing like going with mom to the store and buying your new clothes, school supplies and Snoopy lunch box. Today, students are probably no different. I can see it now... go with mom and dad to get a new laptop, iPod, digital camera and upgrade to unlimited text messaging on the cell phone along with the latest Snoopy lunch box (or not).
every day there are new tools WEB 2.0 that It show up around the world.
 It is clear that Web 2.0 has real educational value that teachers enjoy the application in their classrooms


Discovery Education is a subsidiary of Discovery Communications, LLC


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